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The Importance Of Moving Quickly To Collect Your Commercial And Business Debts

It is critically important that a business moves quickly to collect its accounts receivables and bad debts. Statistical data on the collection of delinquent debts demonstrates that the rate of recovery decreases from 98 percent on the date that an obligation is first due to 10 percent after 24 months.

At CreditorCollections, A Law Firm, our experienced collections attorney helps business creditors move quickly to collect their debts. Typically, it is the “squeaky wheel that gets the grease.” Quick action to recover a bad debt vastly increases the probability of collection. Ultimately, it is better to recover 70-80 percent of the debt than zero percent.

Never A Fee To Discuss Your Case

Oftentimes, a business owner, lender or another creditor contacts us after too many months of self-help collections. The reasons are varied — the attempted preservation of the business relationship; an understandable desire to limit the loss of money — but the epiphany comes too late. By the time we at CreditorCollections, A Law Firm, have been retained, the debtor has closed operations, transferred property or encumbered assets. The delay may have prevented the recovery.

Call a qualified Florida commercial collections lawyer as soon as you believe you have a problem with business debtor. We will discuss the case with you, perform a quick investigation of the debtor and make demand on your behalf. We can also replevin or seize assets before suit in appropriate circumstances. Let us help you understand the importance of moving quickly to collect your commercial and business debts. Contact us online or call 561-683-5900 today. From our office in West Palm Beach, we assistant out-of-state attorneys and their clients throughout the country.